- 2016-2017, Teaching Assistant at IIT Kharagpur for two undergraduate courses, Signals and Networks, and Analog Electronics.
- 2016-2018, Student mentor of Student Welfare Group of IIT Kharagpur, having mentored 5 undergraduate students in their academic courses related to Electrical Engineering.
- 2020-2022, Graduate Mentor in the USC Viterbi Graduate Student Association, having served as guest speakers in seminars related to cracking research internships and jobs.
- 2022, Guest Teaching Assistant in the Asynchronous VLSI Design course at USC, where I helped the students get acquainted with the basics of spiking neural networks for their course project.
- 2023, Zeyu Liu, Research paper Low-Complexity yet Powerful spiking Legendre Memory Units, under review.
- 2022, Yue Hu, Research paper FireFly: A Synthetic Dataset for Ember Detection in Wildfire, ICCV Workshop 2023.
- 2023, Yue Hu, Research paper Let’s Roll: Synthetic Dataset Analysis for Pedestrian Detection Across Different Shutter Types, under review in ICASSP 2024.
- 2023, Shashank Nag, Research paper ViTA: A Vision Transformer Inference Accelerator for Edge Applications, ISCAS 2023.
- 2023, Sreetama Sarkar, Research paper FixPix: Fixing Bad Pixels using Deep Learning, under review in ICASSP 2024.
- 2021, Shidie Lin, Research paper A High Performance and Robust FIFO Synchronizer-Interface for Crossing Clock Domains in SFQ Logic, Under review in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.
- 2020, Adesh Singh Sudheer, Research paper Single flux quantum (SFQ) first-in-first-out (FIFO) synchronizers: New designs and paradigms, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2020.